Sami_C - 6th January 2013 (Version)
Rachelle Summers - 20th January 2013 (Version)
Amelie Alden - 25th October 2008
Miss Veilside - 18th April 2012
Bethany-Jane 27th January 2013
Bethany- Jane (version) 27th January 2013
Louise D - 16th February 2010
Louise D - 4th March 2010
Louise D - 26th March 2010
Perdy - 18th March 2008
Cari - 25th September 2007
Back in 2007 I lived in Sussex and was a member of a camera club and once a month we got together for a shoot. I remember this shoot well and had all kinds of difficulties with the camera. The model was called Cari and came from Poland. So whilst the pictures are not up to my usual standard I've posted this set as a marker to measure my progress since then
Elle Black - 11th March 2012
Ups & Downs of life and underwear
Sami_C - 3rd February 2013
Sammi B - 6th August 2007
Amelie - 5th February 2013
Bex - 9th February 2013
Laurita - 4th October 2008
Kirsty - 20th March 2011
RED SHOES (and nothing else)